On the morning of the late Maryland state firearms season Ernest (Bud) had learned that the neighboring farm was doing a drive through their woods that was very close to his hunting spot. Reluctant to hunt due to much needed farm work he called his buddy Ben. Ben said that he needed to get out and hunt because they had been seeing a good buck in that area. Not having much time being that the drive would start at nine and it was 8:45 Bud got his equipment and got in his gator and headed out. Being in his stand for just 10 minutes he noticed antlers coming through the neighbors woods. Letting the buck and 3 does cut the field between lands they jumped the fence and were on Bud's land. He took the buck and then took a doe being legal in the state of Maryland. First day out to hunt that season Bud harvested the biggest buck of his life - a 10 pointer and 17 1/2" wide! (Story was submitted by Ernest's friend Ben)